All Those Options for Breasts
By Jenn der Bentson
Oh the wonderful thing, breasts.
Many of us would love to have them for real
A few lucky crossdressers or, more commonly, transgender individuals get to have them at some point as they make transitions.
My wife, as have many others including men, said that if most guys had tits they would never leave home. They would play with them in their bedroom all day. I’m not sure she is wrong. If it wasn’t a major social stigma I might just go have a nice pair permanently installed for myself.
For most of us, mostly because of that, breasts are something that must be simulated at select times when we get the opportunity to do the best we can.. They are not something we ever really get to have for real. We do our best to simulate for the periods of time during which we dress as our female selves. And that’s OK, it may not be “complete” for us, but we do the best we can to approximate the feeling of actually having breasts to the best of our abilities.
With that in mind, as a crossdresser, one that does so at home only, with a fortunately supportive wife who doesn’t mind, I get to express my female alter ego when time and situations allow, and have tried a few different options for simulating that ever elusive desire to have a pair of tits of my own on my chest.
My evolution of “breasts” has taken me from cheap, to expensive, from completely ineffective to pretty darn realistic. In that evolutionary process, some options I thought would be great, haven’t been. A few have been obviously less effective than others. And in the end, I have kind of settled in on what I think is the best overall solution in the end, at least, for me.
That being said, the path has had many steps along the way, beginning with a simple solution that was temporary and quickly replaced by other options.
Socks, fluffy things and any other padding you can find.
You can fill a bra with pretty much anything. Like many, the first couple times I tried on a bra I hadn’t thought it fully through about what I was going to fill those magical cups with. So, I improvised.
Many first time crossdressers are trying on bras owned by someone else. In my case, as a bigger guy, none of my early life girlfriend’s underwear were going to fit me, so I had taken the leap and mail-ordered my first set of womens bra and panties. Once they arrived, and with them on, I had to fill them with something.
The sock drawer became the first attempted solution to the question of filling the bra cups.
Sure, socks are kind of fluffy and fill the cups, but looking back, they really were a pretty darn weak effort. At the time, and now looking back, while they in no way felt real, they created the illusion and at least in the mirror they kind of looked real. Socks, foam padding, packing materials, a balled up t-shirt, or any number of other things have been used by any number of crossdressers over the years to “make the bumps in the shirt happen”. But most of us graduate beyond this quickly.
Water balloons.
I won’t lie. This was my solution for a couple years.
This is partially due to the infrequent nature of my crossdressing and my, what I will call, lack of commitment to what I was doing. I hadn’t really embraced that crossdressing was a part of who I am yet at that point and kind of thought it was just a passing fancy which I would conquer.
Water balloons gave weight to the filling of the bra. Filling the balloon with water allowed me to customize the size, I could pick “good balloons” that were of higher quality and less likely to break, and they warmed to body temperature as I wore them. This was a major upgrade!
I had graduated to a better solution. As I look back, it was also a graduating step in my crossdressing. I was actually trying to make a more realistic looking and feeling solution. Heck, if you positioned the nozzle from the balloons just right they even kind of made nipple like impressions in the front of the bra.
But there were certainly some negatives also compared with the more advanced solutions I would eventually find in time.
They were somewhat fragile. They were not very structured for the weight they held. Put more simply, they sagged and broke if you weren’t careful.
Balloons certainly wouldn’t be the solution I would go with for a night on the town if you are a crossdresser who is “out”.
Pocket bra or breast form bras.
There are a bunch of options out there that fall into the “pocket-bra” category. In essence, a bra that included an extra fabric layer between which a “boob-like item” can be slid into place.
This might be a full breast form, it might be “cutlets”, or any other filling item that can be used to fill out that pocket and create the illusion of breasts once the bra is worn in place. There are even a few options of these that are basically bras with breasts permanently built into them that a wearer can put on. Some of these cover more or less of the “breast”. I equate these basically the breasts version of a “strapon”. In many cases, it is worth wearing a second bra over these to hold them in place better and keep them from shifting or protruding in an awkward manner.
These can work, and I did try them, but honestly they always felt a little lackluster. They slid around my chest a bit and never really felt like they were “a part of me” in the way that other options I found did. The good of these is that they are pretty affordable, low maintenance, and easier to put on and take off than some of the other options that I prefer. We will get to why I prefer them later.
Real Breast Forms.
The real thing. Actual, real, intended for the purpose, breast forms. In the end, this is the best choice without a doubt. I get it, many crossdressers or transgender people in their initial stages of exploration try lots of different things. But if I had received the best advice as I explored this side of myself, it would have been, “just go for it and buy some good breast forms at the beginning.”
If you are honest with yourself and actually like crossdressing, can’t resist doing it, or think it is going to be a part of your life, just bite the bullet and buy some good breast forms when you start.
They come in all kinds of forms ranging from foam, silicone, liquid filled silicone, sticky back, non-sticky back, and pretty much everything in between. Oh, and lots of sizes.
Unless you just really want to avoid realism and the weight, going with something liquid filled and probably a little more expensive at the outset is the right plan. So many people have tried so many other options, but when it comes down to it, if you are going for a realistic look and feel this is the best option.
I tried a bunch of other options. Learn from my mistakes.
Find something that fits your body type, is appropriately sized (don’t go crazy with oversize breasts) and will have some weight and jiggle to it. You will pay more for this, but I promise it’s worth it. Spending $2-300 a few times looking at inferior options is worse than just biting the bullet at the outset and buying a $500-800 high quality option. Find a quality supplier of breast forms that caters to providing products to the crossdressing community. There are a couple out there that I have found that have been good, but the most reliable and discreet I have found has been
From here, you can decide what best fits your desires. You may like something that is a teardrop shape, or something asymmetrical based on your body shape. Take the time to figure out what you want.
I personally like something that is “self-adhering,”, or, in other words, has a sticky back. You can supplement this with some medical adhesive (and remover) if you would like the forms to become more a part of your body as they adhere, but that can fall to personal preference. I like something sticky even under a bra because it keeps them more in place as you move. Again, the realism.
Even in the realm of actual breast forms, there are lots of options. Beware of forms that look like they are coated in a plastic bag, don’t list what they are filled with, or don’t have many details. Cheaper definitely isn’t always better in this category. But you also don’t have to spend a fortune either. You can find some fantastic options in the $200-400 range , and rarely would you need to pay more than $500 for a great pair of tits (breast forms – I couldn’t resist there) unless you are really looking to step up to the highest of quality.
I can’t advocate enough for a real, quality, breast form, being the best option if you are considering some form of fake breast.
The Advent and Proliferation of (the promotion of) Breast Plates and Bodysuits
The last few years have seen significant proliferation of promotion of “breast plates” and even full “female bodysuits” of varying options to the crossdressing community.
It sounds great at the outset, but in my personal experience, it falls short in the delivery.
I have a lot more thoughts I express on this topic in my article, “Breastplates and Bodysuits, Oh My”, but for brevity here, I’ll highlight the fact that they are super warm to wear. They are easily damaged as you put them on and off. And they, well, inhibit some of the natural activities that breast forms and just some clothing and body padding do not.
I have tried a few options here, ranging from full length arm and leg bodysuits that cover pretty much the entire body to things that are just upper body plates, lower body “false vagina panties” and the in between option that is more like a one piece swimsuit that covers lower genitalia giving the smooth female anatomy visual impression while also having a breast plate with a full breast built into them.
Less latex content is less warm. This is kind of obvious. A full bodysuit is much warmer. To the point that it might leave you sweating a stream of sweat out the leg. If I were to recommend something in this realm, I would start with the simple question, “do you want your man bits covered up so you look like a girl down there? Or do you just want to have tits and a non-hairy belly and chest? That is the first real break point one should consider when considering this option path.
If you want to have the female downstairs, I honestly would recommend a bathing suit style bodysuit instead of a full bodysuit. Yup, it would require you to shave your legs to make it look as good, but that is a better, more manageable, and honestly more realistic option than the challenge of struggling into a full leg covering and arm covering bodysuit. It really is hard to get done. You will be sweating by the time you accomplish it.
This gives you the option to pull aside the “female bottom” part of the suit to expose your male bits and potential pee. It’s a simple thing, but it might be easier. It is certainly easier than a full bodysuit if the external catheter option isn’t working properly and you find yourself needing to relieve yourself.
The options are pretty cool, and I couldn’t help but try it myself, but after a few different options I find myself using any of the bodysuit options I have less than 5% of the time that I decide to crossdress.
When it comes down to it, it is actually pretty amazing how many different breast forms options there are out there. I can’t help but think it is actually an indicator of the market size that actually exists, but isn’t public about their crossdressing activities. Still a stigma for many, crossdressing hides in many places. Fortunately, with the advent of internet shopping and discreet shipping, many a crossdresser out there now can have products, including fake boob options, delivered directly to their house.
I can’t tell you what to pick in the end, but I can tell you that just a good pair of breast forms is something you are less likely to regret than trying to buy multiple options of cheaper boobage that under deliver. Take the time to think about what you are trying to do, if you need to, save up, and buy the best option to suit your needs initially.
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