Breastplates and Bodysuits, Oh My
By Jenn der Bentson
Wow. Breast plates and crossdressing bodysuits look like great fun with lots of cool options. They seem really amazing when you look at them on the internet.
What crossdresser wouldn’t want to just slip into a suit that allows them to completely change into a girl?
But are they really all that they seem (or you might hope) they seem to be?
That’s a pretty good question. The good news is that I couldn’t resist and tried a few options with varying degrees of success and learned a bit along the way. You get to benefit from my experiences; I will share them and some of my thoughts with you.
One thing that many crossdressers and others who have similar desires to change their “gender appearance” to some degree know is that over the past few years there has been a proliferation of products in this realm. Long gone are the days where a desirous crossdresser was lucky to fill a bad bra with balloons or socks. Breast forms really kicked off development first. Their much wider availability on the internet certainly helped this burgeoning at-home crossdresser better accessorize and fill out the busty front of a dress or top. Discreet shipping to home allowed many a crossdresser to I am sure do the same that I did.
From there, developments pushed further to include what basically became halter tops or full shirts made of stretchy rubber with the breast forms built in. Paired with this quickly came “vagina panties” that would cover a male genital region with varying degrees of realism or absurdity.
Many of us remember wishful internet stories of bodysuits that a guy could don that would make him indiscernible to the outside world as anything other than a woman. Well, we haven’t gotten there, but certainly there have been developments that have gone much further down the path of a full female bodysuit over a male body than I might have imagined becoming a reality in my early crossdressing days.
Latex rubber and molding development took the concept of full body suits and everything in between to help a male figure transform into as close to a female form as might be possible in a temporary sense from completely impossible to practically doable. With some limitations and drawbacks for certain.
The crossdressing world has changed, if you want to invest in and try these options, it is now possible to use “bodysuit” options to transform one’s body in various manners to a female form. I know many crossdressers out there are curious. I did. You may want to try these options.
I did.
I tried a few of them, with varying degrees of success and satisfaction. There were also varying degrees of cost. I am lucky enough to be able to have the disposable income to give these things a try, I know not everyone is. Perhaps what I share here will allow others to avoid wasting money on options that are less desirable or even dissuade some readers from even bothering. Others might even have their own experiences they wish to add to this topic below. If you do, please share your thoughts!
So here we go. I will share a few thoughts and experiences from me after trying a few different versions and having both good, mediocre, and really bad experiences with them.
Half Body / Shirts / Halter Top Breast Options
Options for breasts that are designed to cover the upper torso in part or who are a natural stepping stone for many crossdressers who want to up their game from breast forms to the next level. Referred to as halter top, t-shirt models, half-body, or breastplate options they are basically designed to be worth like a shirt.
Much easier to put on than a full bodysuit and an option that leaves the “lower nether bits” uncovered, a top like this allows a wearer to get a fuller effect of breasts and upper torso. This can be of great help when wanting to wear clothing that is more revealing of cleavage in that it doesn’t leave a more telltale indication of being just a breast form like those options might. Additionally, it’s a good way to cover chest or back hair if an individual doesn’t want to shave that for any reason.
You really put these on just like a stretchy shirt. Depending on how big you are and the size of the item, this can be easier or harder. I am a little bigger “gurl” so it takes a bit of work for me. I have however after a bit of digging found a couple providers who offer varieties of size. They only come in normal or large sizes, but in almost every option I have tried (of which I have tried at least 5 of these) the stretchiness also makes up for any sizing considerations.
The drawbacks of these specifically are that they tend to ride up on the stomach upward. A full shirt version or a half body upper torso will all tend to ride up some as you wear them. They aren’t bad, and to be honest, they have a little less of the “creepy factor” for some people or their significant others.
In these, and I will also say for the full bodysuit options, the breasts tend to be a little too “centered” in every case I have tried. You can stretch the spread of the tits a bit on your body, but unless you are all but the smallest of wearers, which most men are not, it will take a bit of work to try to get the breasts to lay naturally over your own nipples below them. If you are a bit broader in the chest as a guy, they tend to be a little tighter together than might feel as natural.
One of the biggest benefits of this and full bodysuit options is that it allows a wearer to go “braless”. More traditional breast forms except in the case where a wearer is fully committed to some pretty serious adhesive options require a crossdresser to wear a bra. This and full bodysuit options can offer a crossdresser the freedom to skip that option in a way that was never possible in the past.
Vagina Panties / Shorts / Pants
There are a wide variety of options for, um, the lower half of the body. This might be a simple thong-like option that covers the male bits with female looking bits, it might be something more like a boyshort panty with similar options, longer shorts that go down to above the knee, or even a full garment that is more like leggings. The fuller of these options allow a wearer to, if desired, accomplish a more feminine appearance of legs without having to shave. The less coverage options in this realm are less hot and allow more of the natural skin of the wearer to be visible.
My own experience with any of these is that they tend to sag some over the time of wearing. Unless you have a very curvaceous figure, without something like a belt these are going to sag down on your butt over time. Its gravity. And its biology. Most guys don’t have curvaceous figures that once pulled up create a slimmer waist that allows garments to stay up on their own without the aid of something like a belt.
Transitions when wearing these can best be covered with pantyhose or stockings also. A transition line at an ankle or at mid-thigh is easily shaded with an opaque stocking option.
Ok, for these, and the next option, let’s talk catheter options also.
In many cases these options provide an “external catheter” option or come with them standard. This allows a wearer to urinate without having to remove the suit.
The benefit here is obvious. Unless you plan on donning one of these options for a very short period of time, working a dehydration regime, or holding your biological functions for a long time, you are going to have to pee.
These take a little fussing and getting used to, but basically work like a condom and go over the male parts. Tucked inside vagina pants, leggings, or a full bodysuit a wearer can, if done correctly, experience the privilege of sitting down to pee. Whether this is a privilege or not can be debated, but wearing one of these options becomes a necessity. One big tip here. Make sure the head of the male part is all the way up to the catheter option where it tapers from to the excreting tube. Having any extra area between there and the tube will result in basically a filled balloon up against the body that doesn’t drain properly when you try to go to the bathroom.
Is it perfect?
Does it generally work?
Yes, but be ready to wipe up any leakage also.
The biggest challenge with these options tends to be sagging in the crotch where it is hard to get a really tight fit covering the male parts without feeling like you are wearing a sagging diaper. Perhaps some readers like that feeling, but I consider it a drawback. The fuller the bodysuit garment, the less access you have to this area, and the harder it is to adjust this challenge and feeling.
My experience would indicate that you might be better off going with a swimsuit style bodysuit that would allow you to “pull the female parts away” and slide you “make parts” out if you really needed to pee, instead of trying to pee through the external catheter tube option that can be subject to pressure on the suit or it’s tightness. Take that suggestion for what you will.
With that, let’s transition to the full bodysuit.
The Full Body Suit
The creme-de-la-creme of the options, surely the best, right? Well, maybe.
The concept of a full bodysuit is pretty darn cool to most crossdressers, but it is certainly the hottest to wear and the hardest to put on.
Having full sleeves or legs in some cases, a wearer is left with the option to put the garment, the body transformation suit, on through only one hole unless there is a zipper of some sort installed.
The neck.
Putting this garment on requires the wearer to stretch the neck out and slide themselves down the garment from the top, inserting legs and working the legs up the body, the crotch into place (and the challenge of a catheter if in place), and then the body up the torso before sliding arms into each sleeve and working them up into position and laying flat. The neck is the last thing to settle into place. This takes time, patience, it’s hot, and it risks overstretching the garment neck and ripping it every time you do it.
If you can get it done, and I have a few times, it is a pretty darn cool image. Your body is basically fully transformed from a male one into a rubber female one. I put that rubber note in there for a reason. It still feels like a good latex rubber suit, not skin. From a distance, especially with appropriate clothing over it, it looks pretty realistic overall.
But it’s hot.
Getting this level of garment on is going to take time, you are going to exert yourself, and you are going to sweat.
Some good talcum powder can help these slide into place better. Some out there will recommend a little lubricant, but I tried that once and I honestly can’t tell you that while it helped for donning the bodysuit, it kept it sliding around once it was on and felt like I was greased up the entire time. In a perfect world, you would put such a bodysuit on, stop sweating, it would settle into place and move with your skin and become to feel like it was a part of you. My experience with these bodysuits is that they get partway to that. They never really feel “natural”, but the aesthetic is decent. If the visual image is what you are looking for, maybe this is for you. If a feeling is what you want, they might be more work than they are worth.
I would be lying if I said any of the female bodysuit options were really going to be “comfortable”. What I will say is that the ones I tried became more comfortable after I let them settle in a bit, or, to be honest, the more alcohol I drank. Numbing the senses a bit I guess reduces the feeling of awkwardness and certainly makes you pick at the weird quirks a little less. It also got me out of my head a bit and let me “go with it” a little bit more. The balance, the more alcohol I drank the more often I had to go to the bathroom, so, that worked better with options that included a “catheter” option.
In any of these options, they are going to be warm. Warmer than normal clothing. The basic truth is that any latex or other rubber garment (or female changing bodysuit) you wear is not going to breath well and you are going to sweat. Going back to my first comment, you will sweat a little less after you get the garment on and settle down.
If you are going to try to wear one of these, don’t give up right away. Take the time to carefully, slowly, and methodically put the garment on. Sweat. Struggle. Then settle down. Go sit for a bit after you get it on. Probably before you put any other clothing on over the bodysuit or do your makeup. Turn the air conditioning up in your residence or the heat down. I live in a cold climate and have even gone so far as to get dressed in a bedroom with an open outside window to cool the room off during the winter when I tried this. You can’t get cold enough while you are putting one of these on.
Once it is on, and while you wear it, know you are going to sweat. The good news is that the garments that have leggings on them typically fit closely and will sweat in and stop you from leaving a sweat trail along the way. The bad news is that they keep that water in and when you go to take them off you are going to likely leave a sweat puddle. This will give you a good reason to give the bodysuit a good washing after you wear it. For that, I usually just jump in the shower, turn it inside out, rinse and wash it, and then dry it off on a towel or three on a bed. These bodysuits aren’t without some work to go through for the effort.
Across the Board Thoughts
Get gel filled breasts. I know, cotton or other fillings might be lighter, but they will never feel right. They always felt too airy and never sagged quite right to look as realistic as gel filled breast options did in my experience. In most cases, the budget difference isn’t all that great. It’s an investment worth making.
Sagging “Parts” are tough to manage. In both full bodysuit and lower body pants or shorts options where a “fake pussy” is intended to cover
You will need to cover the neck transition with any upper body breast plate or full bodysuit. Any bodysuit that includes an upper body transition will have some point at which the neck terminates and the wearer will need to either use makeup, clothing, or a necklace to cover that transition if the wearer cares if the transition is visible. This can be done, but it is something that will need to be done. In every case I tried, the neck needed to be trimmed down some because it went up too high on my neck and the back of my head. In some cases, this is there to allow for trimming, and, it is also there in case the wearer desires to wear a latex female mask over to top off the look. Be ready to trim if this is not the case for you.
Clothing over any of these options takes some forethought.
First of all, clothing doesn’t slide up and over latex bodysuit options as well as it does over natural skin. So, just putting clothes on can be slightly more challenging. Additionally, the thickness of the bodysuit may add a little sizing considerations. If your gurl cloths were super tight fitting before you put any bodysuit options on, they will be tighter after. They might not even fit.
Arms aren’t necessary in my opinion. I have tried full bodysuits (that include legs) with both arms and without arms. Given the choice, I would go with the kind that doesn’t have full arms every day of the week at this point. In fact, I would actually probably prefer a full bodysuit that is more like a one piece bathing suit than one that has legs also. In these cases, a wearer can enter the suit through the wider shoulder/arm opening and have access to make adjustments to the lay of the garment, attach catheter options, and stretch parts of the garment to get them into place through three holes instead of just the neck. The overall effect of body transformation is held to the core of the body where the main differences are anyway. Arms and legs are just left to be what they are sticking out of their appropriate holes. I just find this option a much easier to manage option although I fully understand the coolness factor of a full body transformation suit if you can get it on and stand to be in it.
The budget you might be able to spend on a female transformation bodysuit can vary widely.
Full bodysuits might range from $300-$2000. To some degree, you get what you pay for. But there are also some bodysuits that seem to be pretty darn good in the $600-900 range and others that are overpriced just because they feel like they can charge more or catch an unsuspecting buyer.
Do a little digging around.
I do encourage buying direct from a supplier, instead of something such as an online wholesale aggregator. I think you know what I mean here. In most of these cases the shipping will be discreet, not show up on your order history list (if you are concerned about that) and be a better quality product. Many of the low cost options on the online superstore are cheap knockoffs and the quality and sizing of them are of substandard quality.
Certainly a buyer will expect to pay more for a full bodysuit than a half body option. The more features and options, the bigger the budget allocation is going to have to be.
The best advice I can give you is get on a mailing list (perhaps with a secondary email you establish if you don’t want it to your primary email address) with a company or two you are considering purchasing from. The ones I have seen offer some deep discount sales periodically and the savings is big. I have regularly seen options that were $8-900 discounted to $350-400. Don’t buy the list price. Be a little patient if you are budget conscious and you will maximize your investment.
A good reason for this is the next topic. Tears.
Tears, Rips, and Wrecking the Investment
I have wrecked a few of these options. Both full bodysuit options and basic breastplate shirt style options. In these cases, the garment is basically garbage.
This has happened on day one, and after many uses in a couple cases. The gist is that it happens when I rushed the donning or had a substandard garment.
Putting any of these garments on takes time. Risking the garment with any overstretching, nicks, cuts, or forcing is going to tear or rip them. It is that simple. It can be a little tragic when you try to put the garment on for the first time and your $800 investment is basically garbage right off the bad. It’s a risk. It’s frustrating. It’s expensive.
That’s part of the risk of these bodysuit female transformation garments. If you aren’t willing to take that risk and basically consider the purchase of one of these options a sunk cost that you are willing to throw away, save your money.
The Verdict?
So, what’s my two cents in the end? Well, it depends on what you want to do.
What I can tell you is that for 90% of my crossdressing activities, I still resort back to traditional breast forms (many times with a light glue to hold them in place) in a bra. The extra work, the potential for destroying the suit in which I invested, and the general discomfort of wearing any of these options for any length of time really doesn’t seem to get me much further along the way toward looking like the girl I want to once I have put clothes on over whatever effort is underneath. And I will add, it still seems to be the best plan to put clothes on if you are going to be anywhere anyone else might see you, so, well, there you go.
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